söndag 22 april 2012
måndag 16 april 2012
lördag 14 april 2012
I'd cross the ocean for a heart of gold
Sitter och försöker mixtra med blogg designen, förstår inte detta jobbiga utrymme mellan bilder och olika inlägg... morr.
Såhär fint väder var det när jag var ute och gick förra veckan och nu är det snö?? På soprtlovet var det hur fint som helst, och på påsken har det varit regn och snö.. var de förvirrade och bytte plats?
fredag 13 april 2012
I send my thoughts to far off destinations
En blixt från klar himmel lyser upp omgivningen. Den tornar upp sig lika fort som den än en gång försvinner. Kvar är mörker. Mullret kommer senare, hänger sig kvar. Det känns i luften, jag gillar det.
The tears don't fall, they crash around me
The three best days of this break:
Saturday: Spent the whole day with Jenny shopping downtown. Walked around looking in all the stores and talked. I also got an easter egg from her! In the evening Amanda, Andrea, Jenny and me watched prison break again. Haha. We never get to finnish it, too many seasons!
Tuseday: First went for what was supposed to be a walk with Anda, but it rained so we fikade instead. Talked about everything and nothing, catching up. It was a while ago. I then rushed home to pack my things and then went to teo's house. We played board games, drew with moss on a wall, searched a little after my easter egg, baked chokladbollar, cooked food and watched 2 movies (horror movies... I don't know how I survived). Went to bed at 6 a.m (!) after having talked for a long time.
Wednesday: Went up from bed around 11 a.m and watched another movie, ate breakfast and played chess. I got home around 5 p.m, I then had 20 minutes to get ready for a night out starting out with dinner at Nicole's house. Haha, I am always rushing.. Anyway got there pretty much on time and ate really good food (thanks nicole), then we went downtown from Mälarhöjden and had some wine before going to Collage!
Me, Nicole, Sofie, Lovisa, Terese, Malin and Emelie had a great time! Unfortunately the last two weren't caught on picture that night..
Saturday: Spent the whole day with Jenny shopping downtown. Walked around looking in all the stores and talked. I also got an easter egg from her! In the evening Amanda, Andrea, Jenny and me watched prison break again. Haha. We never get to finnish it, too many seasons!
Tuseday: First went for what was supposed to be a walk with Anda, but it rained so we fikade instead. Talked about everything and nothing, catching up. It was a while ago. I then rushed home to pack my things and then went to teo's house. We played board games, drew with moss on a wall, searched a little after my easter egg, baked chokladbollar, cooked food and watched 2 movies (horror movies... I don't know how I survived). Went to bed at 6 a.m (!) after having talked for a long time.
Wednesday: Went up from bed around 11 a.m and watched another movie, ate breakfast and played chess. I got home around 5 p.m, I then had 20 minutes to get ready for a night out starting out with dinner at Nicole's house. Haha, I am always rushing.. Anyway got there pretty much on time and ate really good food (thanks nicole), then we went downtown from Mälarhöjden and had some wine before going to Collage!
Me, Nicole, Sofie, Lovisa, Terese, Malin and Emelie had a great time! Unfortunately the last two weren't caught on picture that night..
Thanks for making these days memorable, =) <3
Who is going home with you tonight?
My break has been relatively good, not that much happening. I've been relaxing and stressing at the same time, so annoying. You know when you have that nagging feeling that you have to study or whatever but you never do, which of course leaves you completely stressed out and really worried when it is time to go to bed. Uggh. Also my back has been hurting now for a couple of days, so I haven't really been able to do anything.
Tomorrow is my little brothers birthday, eeehh... what to buy?
*This break, I have at least been eating a good breakfast every morning. Usually I just rush out the door in the mornings after having svallowed my sandwich in one bite... Hahah. In a magical way though, I always have time to brush my teeth, but not to eat breakfast.
Tomorrow is my little brothers birthday, eeehh... what to buy?
*This break, I have at least been eating a good breakfast every morning. Usually I just rush out the door in the mornings after having svallowed my sandwich in one bite... Hahah. In a magical way though, I always have time to brush my teeth, but not to eat breakfast.
torsdag 12 april 2012
No one can stand the feeling I feel
Alicia posted this on her facebook, I thought I'd steal it and put it on here. Love this quote! And yes, I am back on facebook now after having succesfully been gone for 5 days! I'll probably inactivate it soon again though.
Clouds come floating into my life, no longer to carry rain or usher storm, but to add color to my sunset.-Rabindranath Tagore
tisdag 10 april 2012
This is how I roll, animal print pants out of control
From now on, fly as high as I want
Okay, so this cake, doesn't look like much. But (bitch) please, don't underestimate it. It is one of my favourite "cakes", it is sort of an ice cream lemon cake. I can't really explain it, but I thought I might as well post it here to tell you that this is worth eating! I remember at my birthday party in second grade or so though, that two of my friends didn't like it and gave it to the ants, broke my heart.. Haha. :(
*sidenote: Hernandez family, we used one of the vanilla beans you sent, made it even better!
måndag 9 april 2012
Finally made it past the edge, to finally begin
Tänk vad glad man kan bli. Av en liten sak. Egentligen så liten att man kan göra den saken mot någon varje dag, det är nästintill en skyldighet. Tänk att tre bokstäver kan göra så mycket, göra skillnad. Hej.
Varje gång jag ser någon ensam tänker jag på "Friends" reklamerna, hur det väller ut svarta ord ur ryggsäcken, hur dom ligger under sängen, sitter på skrivbordet och hur dom dyker upp vart än blicken sveper. De tynger ner, smutsar ner och förstör, ändå är det inget fysiskt utan bara ord. Ord som inte går att skaka av sig, som följer med en överallt, i huvudet. Det krävs mycket av en för att kunna fly från det, fly från sina egna tankar. Bland alla mörka ord finns det ett ljust ord, som det lyser om. Det skiner och strålar. Tänk om man kan få någon i sin tillvaro att lysa varje dag, varenda eviga dag genom att göra något så enkelt som att hälsa, se den osynliga. Mitt lilla projekt "Hej" börjar nu, var gärna med.
Varje gång jag ser någon ensam tänker jag på "Friends" reklamerna, hur det väller ut svarta ord ur ryggsäcken, hur dom ligger under sängen, sitter på skrivbordet och hur dom dyker upp vart än blicken sveper. De tynger ner, smutsar ner och förstör, ändå är det inget fysiskt utan bara ord. Ord som inte går att skaka av sig, som följer med en överallt, i huvudet. Det krävs mycket av en för att kunna fly från det, fly från sina egna tankar. Bland alla mörka ord finns det ett ljust ord, som det lyser om. Det skiner och strålar. Tänk om man kan få någon i sin tillvaro att lysa varje dag, varenda eviga dag genom att göra något så enkelt som att hälsa, se den osynliga. Mitt lilla projekt "Hej" börjar nu, var gärna med.
I guess we made it, or at least we made it "this" far
Whoop. I don't have any blog inspiration what so ever. Well, I don't have facebook right now either, I've only been gone 2 days and it is already hard. I can last till tomorrow, I know that. HEhe...
Yesterday I went shopping with Jenny almost the whole day. We both looked at shoes. I think we did rather good, we walked around in almost all stores to make sure that we knew all our options before "sealing a deal". When I came home I realized that I had bought two things and they were both orange. A pair of orange shoes and an orange shirt, omg. Haha. I might post some pics later.
Anyway, I am soon going to meet Ida to plan a few things before our "kayaking trip". (:
Alltid lika charmig kameravinkel.
Yesterday I went shopping with Jenny almost the whole day. We both looked at shoes. I think we did rather good, we walked around in almost all stores to make sure that we knew all our options before "sealing a deal". When I came home I realized that I had bought two things and they were both orange. A pair of orange shoes and an orange shirt, omg. Haha. I might post some pics later.
Anyway, I am soon going to meet Ida to plan a few things before our "kayaking trip". (:
Alltid lika charmig kameravinkel.
Please don't leave, my paper heart will bleed
When my mother came home from the hospital the other day I made dinner to welcome her home and surprise her. Waaaah, It was soooo good, you have no idea. I will definitely make it again so that she can actually try it too.. And the day before that I cooked soup for Erik and my father which also turned out really good. Damn, now I'm hungry.
Yumm, roasted vegetagbles with "grekiska köttfärsbiffar med fetaost", tzatziki och sallad. :D
I actually really like cooking, but only if there are ingredients at home and I don't have to pay for them.. heheh.
Yumm, roasted vegetagbles with "grekiska köttfärsbiffar med fetaost", tzatziki och sallad. :D
lördag 7 april 2012
Anything less then "I love you" is lying
Yesterday I did absolutely nothing, nothing at all. I seriously don't know where my energy went, I walked around in my pj:s all day long. It was nice though, I like to see it as one of those recharging days. Well, today I feel fully rested and I'll see where this day takes me. I am going to start out by doing some laundry though (..) and then go for a walk in the beautiful weather!
See you later alligators, in a while crocodiles!
fredag 6 april 2012
I give a little bit of my life for you, give a little bit of your time to me
I am trying to learn a new piano song! Nothing less then a Yann Tiersen song with "comptine d'un autre ete l'apres midi". Try to pronounce that name if you can. Thehe. And I am really just posting this as a reminder that I am going to learn it. Because when you know that I am going to learn it, then I have to, you understand?
I have actually only a few parts left, but they are the hardest ones... I am not going to give up... he.
I have actually only a few parts left, but they are the hardest ones... I am not going to give up... he.
We can get somewhere, starting from zero we've got nothing to lose
Yesterday after school I met up with these girls for a fika! And to celebrate that we are all on break again! Wooho! 11 days of no school, yes! But it is a little sad, in the end of breaks you always end up missing school a little bit. Well, afterwards I went home and made a delicious dinner (I'll take that in an other post) and in the evening we had a movie night with my friends.
tisdag 3 april 2012
Ät fett och socker till du spyr
"All the birds in the trees, well they would be singing so happily, joyfully, playfully,
watching me.
But they sent me away, teaching me how to be sensible, logical, responsible and
Were you the one that got away?
Mitt huvud är på en plats, mitt hjärta någon annanstans, det blir bara komplicerat. Lisa is out, jag drar mig ur (som vanligt dårå). Fast, å andra sidan, på vilket sätt då? Det går ju inte, har inget att dra mig ur från nu när jag tänker efter. Vilken tur då, då slapp jag ju göra det, skönt.
I remember I got to borrow Johan's SLR camera for my 17th birthday, I was sooo proud over this pic!
In another life, I would make you stay
My mom made vanilla buns last night and already a fair part of it is gone. Hahah anyway, today felt like a really useless day to go to school on. We did absolutely nothing out of value, I could have spent my time better at home. Well, in an hour I have a skype-date about the spanish book that is due tomorrow. I don't get out of school before six tomorrow because of the written exam in spanish that I am having... help?!
måndag 2 april 2012
Tell me who I am, it is so logical
Jäklar vad kul det var! Det är verkligen skillnad på skivor där man känner igen massa folk. Herregud vad trött jag har varit idag. Kom hem sent, sov dryga 2 och en halv timme och sen var det bara att gå upp igen och göra sig klar för skola. Huvudet svindlade fortfarande lite, men det var det värt. I går befann jag mig nämligen i tre olika länder under en och samma kväll, slå det om ni kan va... Haha.
.. Och ögonfransarna, trodde att i slutet av kvällen skulle jag ha fått enormt stora ögonlocksmuskler av det "tunga blinkandet", men som tur är, så verkar inte fallet vara. Hehe.
söndag 1 april 2012
Do you believe at love of first sight, I think you do
Tonight I'm going to be an exotic butterfly. Haha, Julia is having her CD (I know..) party and I just decided what to wear. This is going to be epic. Insanely long blue lashes, heels and wings, this is making me excited now! This time I'm not going to forget about school, like last week. I have already put the alarm on my phone, three alarms and one reminder when the bus leaves. If I'm not in school tomorrow, then I don't know what happened...
Woohp. Time to study, 2 history essays, one "company report" and two books. Frankenstein and a spanish book, all due next week. Gosh, I wish there were more hours in a day.
Woohp. Time to study, 2 history essays, one "company report" and two books. Frankenstein and a spanish book, all due next week. Gosh, I wish there were more hours in a day.
We were dancing in the moonlight, such a fine and natural sight
Yesterday didn't turn out as I planned. I woke up knowing exactly what would happen, everything would go wrong. With a dark cloud following me around I went up to start my day. I wasn't really in a bad mood, I just sensed that something wasn't right. I felt exhausted and had no energy what so ever, you know the feelign when you think you're starting to get sick?
I had been looking forward to this day the entire week and I had a couple of things planned, but as I already had sensed it wouldn't happen. I was actually a little disappointed, that's why I now question myself. Was I disappointed because of the things that I didn't get to do, or disappointed because there was a person I didn't get to hang out with?
Anyway, I saved the day for myself and it turned out okay after all. I made new plans. Me and Emil from my class went to get some things fixed for a couple of hours. We also drove to Nynäshamn back and forth to go get his car while we had a nice talk. During the evening I went to Jenny's and we watched slumdog millionaire. I've seen it before, it is such an eye opening movie. I love it.
I think it is quite hard to believe that these photos were taken during the same day.. April weather I guess.
I had been looking forward to this day the entire week and I had a couple of things planned, but as I already had sensed it wouldn't happen. I was actually a little disappointed, that's why I now question myself. Was I disappointed because of the things that I didn't get to do, or disappointed because there was a person I didn't get to hang out with?
Anyway, I saved the day for myself and it turned out okay after all. I made new plans. Me and Emil from my class went to get some things fixed for a couple of hours. We also drove to Nynäshamn back and forth to go get his car while we had a nice talk. During the evening I went to Jenny's and we watched slumdog millionaire. I've seen it before, it is such an eye opening movie. I love it.
I think it is quite hard to believe that these photos were taken during the same day.. April weather I guess.
I had a feeling that I could have been someone
Jag funderar på om jag inte försöker lura mig själv. Lura mig själv till något som jag inte känner, bara för att jag vill känna. Det här är inte samma sak som jag känt förut, utan detta är annourlunda. Inte på samma sätt som det borde vara, så självklart som det ska vara.
Nothing to do with the post, just love how cut in me and Celeste look. Haha.
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