onsdag 29 februari 2012

I will never say never, fight till forever

Today has been such a good day. I woke up pretty early to go meet Oscar in my class. We started on our project and it went surprisingly good. We sat on a cafe for about 4-5 hours. Haha.

What else? Well the weather was so amazing today. It really felt like spring in the air and I wore my heart shaped glasses, finally! 

And, I am on break right now until Monday which is nice. I feel like I can't enjoy it though. I have so much work to do, I am especially thinking about my history essays. I just want to cry...


tisdag 21 februari 2012

And.. it was your heart on the line

"I saw a man at the beach yelling "Help, Shark, Help!!!". I just laughed, I knew that the shark wasn't going to help him."

It really doesn't matter how many times I read it or say it out loud, I just can't stop laughing. A joke that makes me happy every damn time. 
Anyhow,maybe this Easter I will go to Copenhagen! Which would be absolutely amazingly fun! It was just a very spontanious idea that started at lunch today with going to "Göteborg", but before the end of the discussion all of us sort of had our minds set on Denmark instead. Exciting! 

What else? I am trying to write a lab report, but I don't really know where to start nor do I understand anything about the subject over all. I have zero motivation to do this, I have other, more important things to think about. 

Oh, and lastly. I want to thank you for all the super sweet comments in the post where i "presented" my haircolor idea. And about that, I really want to color it like that by the end of the week, but we shall see how that goes. My sister has been sick now for a while but when she feels better I think we will do it! 

HAHAHAHHA. LOOK WHAT I FOUND, I LOVE GOING THROUGH OLD PICTURES! I LOOK LIKE AN EVIL BITCH. And for the record, I don't know what happend with my typing, the font is all wrong... 

måndag 20 februari 2012

Sunday morning I wake up on a pillow of grass

So many dreams swinging out into the blue,
let them come true. 
We shine like diamonds in the sun, 
diamonds are forever. We are forever young. 

I miss these beautiful mornings in Oregon.. Best sunrise pictures I've ever taken. 

I am free to be whatever I choose

I can't wait for summer to come! I am so excited! For the past couple of years me and my friends have always said that we would be going travelling somewhere, but it never happens. But this time amigos, hopefully we will be interrailing (tågluffa) in Europe for about a month! I wish for us to go to Berlin, Amsterdam, Brussels, Paris, Nice, Milano, Venice, Zagreb, Budapest, Wien and Warsaw. It would be so amazingly fun! It is just so sad that money once again will be an issue, but as I said, this time I have faith.  

Summer plans so far: 
  • Alicia arrives, 25th of May
  • School ends 13th of June
  • Interrail 
  • Fjällvandra? 
  • Spend time at Ingarö
  • Going camping/ ride our bikes around Gotland (?)
Hehehe, I need to extend this list I see.. 

Let there be sun, I want an excuse to use my awesome heart shaped glasses... AND my favourite hat (which mysteriously has gone missing...)!

In the end everyone ends up alone

Had a biology and a spanish test today. The biology, hahaha. I don't want to talk about it. I seriously don't know what happened, those questions... I don't understand. When will that ever be useful in my life? And about the Spanish essay, I think it went pretty okay.

Tomorrow is my favourite class of the week, I kind of both hate it and love it at the same time. I have so many ideas about companies that I want to start, but I don't know how to do it. It is just so hard, not to talk about the choice of which one to go for. If money didn't play into the account, then I could do whatever I want. Some people say that "nothing" is impossible, but I can't see how I possible could open my own movie theatre without a seriously fat/overweight wallet.

Anyhow, now I am ditching all my old ideas, I have a new one! It came to me yesterday, I just need somebody to talk to, someone who can give me an honest opinion.

Just because I can, this is Dennis. Hehe.

lördag 18 februari 2012

Some are the melody and some are the beat

Hahahaa sorry for all the pictures. I found them when going through my computer, haha and the funny thing is that I can't watch them because the format they are in is all wrong. So the only solution I could come up with was to post them here while at the same time give Jenny and Emma a nostalgic shock. All the pics are from 8th grade when going on our "language trip" to England. Hahhahaha, I am so glad I've changed scince then! oh lord! ( tips, klicka på en bild, då kommer det upp ett "bättre" fönster.)

tisdag 14 februari 2012

Lesson learned and the wheels keep turning

Förväntade jag mig någonting? Jag vet inte. Blev jag besviken? Jag vet inte det heller. Jag vet aldrig någonting längre, jag får ofta höra att jag ser förvirrad ut. Visst, det kanske jag gör, men nu känner jag mig även förvirrad. Mer än någonsin? Nej, inte ens det vet jag.

Varför ska det vara så svårt att släppa taget och börja om från början? Om jag tänker tillbaka 3-4 år vart jag befann mig då och var jag står nu så kan jag säga att jag står på andra sidan jorden i jämförelse. Ibland funderar jag på hur varje val och "vägskäl" i livet har påverkat mig, både negativt och positivt. Jag skulle vilja tro att jag bara tagit bra beslut och svängt av vägen i tid när jag inte längre vill följa dit den leder, men ack så jag tvekar. Jag tvekar och funderar. Tvekar, funderar. Låt mig börja om, som om jag inte kände dig. Som att jag aldrig träffat dig.

Ta mig tillbaka. Till början, tack.  

söndag 5 februari 2012

I know that I've got issues, but you're pretty messed up too

Friday: Did nothing
Saturday: Did nothing
Sunday: I'm about to do nothing

If you scratch out all the "nothings" and add "history essays", wouldn't that be a true hallelujah moment!? 

Ge mig lite prinsesstårta vaaaa....