måndag 28 november 2011

You change colours like the leaves in fall

So this was my last weekend, I will now dig my own grave and jump into it. I have three exams every week now until break (!!), so I will be in my own bubble now for a while. But before I go, I thought I could post some pics from this weekend seeing Breaking Dawn and all. The movie was just really funny and I cracked up a couple of times, it was just so dorky, haha, but in a way sort of beautiful. Anyway, we ate at Ullis place first which was nice.

I see that rain cloud coming right for me

Vad håller jag på med? Är förvirrad, är inte i mitt säkra vanliga "play it safe" mode. Vill inte ha nått med dig att göra fast jag med skräckblandad förtjusning inte kan släppa dig. Jag vill att du ska gå. Nej, jag vill ha dig här, se vad du gör med mig. Fan, sluta le mot mig, för jag vill inte le tillbaka. Inte nu.

onsdag 16 november 2011

Amber 645 review - Casting Créme Gloss

Okay. So I just dyed my hair. The result is okay, but not as I expected. I wanted it to be like orange/red but instead I got brown/red? And how the heck could it turn out that dark??? I was thinking fast when I saw the result and ordered some henna powder online to make it more red later on.

måndag 14 november 2011

Jag ska hoppa ner från Eiffeltornet om du sviker mig

En båt som försvann i dimman som rullade fram

"Det var en gång en liten fågel, ja en fågel, som bodde på landet och Roger hette han. Han vill gärna leka med sina vänner, med sina vänner, men det fick inte han."

As my ipod got eaten by the sofa I am now forced to listen to music on my mobil phone form 6th grade. You have no idea what kind of old music I've found, so many memories! Haha, it is insanely funny, haha "Sommarpojkar" and all those fun songs.

Today in school by the way we did some indoor "climbing" which was exciting. I was so scared though because we were going to simulate a real fall. When I was going to let go of the wall I realized how crazy I am. Who will voluntarily "fall" down and let go of where you are hanging for dear life? 

Love the fall colors, even though all the leaves are basically gone by now.

Vill inte vara själv

Okay. So I am really disappointed with the "Song of the week page", it only works day at the time?! WTF? I'll delete it. :(

Anyway. I saw my classphoto/schoolphoto the other day. DISASTER. I am standing up sleeping basically. Hahha. The funny thing is that it is like the only classphoto that I have chosen to buy in a really long time. Like I want to put up the picture in my room now when I am sleeping standing up. Shit.

From the positive side, nobody will recognize me when it is time for killergame at Spånga. I will be like the mystery girl that nobody will find. How cool's that??

Hehehe, a whole can of smooothie in my hand. Mmmmhm, delicious.

tisdag 8 november 2011

I was born in the arms of an imaginary friend

How come the only way to know how high you get me
is to see how far I fall?

Two posts on one day, who knew right? I was just about to announce my little new page here on the site. It is "The song of the freaking week" page. I'll post a new song as background music every week according to what I listen to at the moment and what makes me happy. I hope you will like it.

I am also considering to add a tune here on the main page as background music, this of course would make it difficult if you want to listen to your own stuff and at the same time read my blog. Humph. I'll think it over one more time. 

Mine and Jenny's restaurant menu as a birthday gift to a friend one year ago.

My faith walks on broken glas


That's how happy I am. I have just received my first F ever in my educational history. It was just a test, but now I have to make it up. Loving life. Mmmhm...

Ohhhhhhhh. I haven't told you, but I passed the criteria in order to get my scuba diving certificate! Suck on that. Diving was such an amazing experience, I would never have imagined that the world underwater would be so fascinating. I didn't see no coral reeves of course, but it was still really beautiful in the cold water. At first I thought that I would need to use a headlamp and that it would be really dark, but it wasn't. The light was perfect.

Sequoia National park, Sierra Nevada in the distance. :)

lördag 5 november 2011

Between heaven and hell, we are the kings

I haven't been blogging anything at all during the break, ssssorry. I can tell you what I've done during my break so far. :)
  • Saturday: Halloween party
  • Sunday: Fika with Emelie and Ida
  • Monday: Diving
  • Tuesday: Going to Ikea with mom only to realize she forgot the wallet at home..
  • Wednesday: Waited inside the Rihanna concert that never happened and was supposed to go out afterwards but noticed that we all needed high heels. 
  • Thursday: Went back to Ikea to buy the wardrobe (!!!) and Ossian, Annie and Åsa came over.
  • Friday: Setting up my wardrobe with my sister who ended up needing stitches in her finger after cutting herself.
  • Saturday: Scuba diving in the Baltic Sea!! OMG, soo cool but cold.
  • Sunday: (haven't happened yet, but I'll be diving) 
P.s: notice the lack of studying, I am screwed... :(

tisdag 1 november 2011

Jag glömmer aldrig bort vad du gjort

Grattis på tre årsdagen lille Ossian! Undrar om det bli en dag med många bussar och bilar i paketen? :)
Tycker att mina 3d glasögon klär dig mycket väl dessutom, pussar från moster! <3